The King Matt is a persona online. Learning how to animate and make comics online for the first time!
Creating something called EggsWithNuts

Age 19, Male

Joined on 6/19/24

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KMN - June 30th

Posted by thekingmatt - 1 day ago

This is the first time I'm making a news post, I thought it would be cool to call it KMN (KingMattNews).

I wanted to post an update on Newgrounds about everything I'm going to be doing for July, since I'm really excited for it all.

I've wrote a script for an EggsWithNuts cartoon that im really excited to work on. Im right now in the process of putting together an storyboard animatic of the episode, with music and voice overs. I'm still looking for 2 voices (maybe just 1) for one of the roles but i should be solid with it.

I'm also working on 2 other side animations at the same time as well. One is a TikTok and YT Shorts animation, and the other is a remake of a old animation I did about 3 years ago called Hostile Game Show, which the audio is from one of my favorite content creators, lolik. The tiktok video should be done around Wednesday/Thursday of this week, and the Hostile Game Show should be done around end of next week.

Im also uploading another Cooking With Draven episode, which will also be the final episode, over on my youtube channel. It's not an animation, but I still think it's really funny.

I also have been posting comics on Tumblr! If you are interested in checking out my comics, or want more look in progress of my animations, then check out my tumblr page.

I don't have a set end date for the EggsWithNuts cartoon, but it should be done around the end of July, beginning of August. Which in August starts production of videos slowing down again since I'll be starting college. Ill still be making videos and comics, but probably more slow of a release due to me being busy with school. That's why i'm wanting to do as much as I can now, so I'm not really panicking that much over the later part of the year.

And yeah, that about does it for this issue of KMN, I'll probably do an update news article every 2 weeks, or if something big comes up. Stay tuned for more art from me, i'm really looking forward to continue doing what I love. See ya :)


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