Hey everyone! Just wanted to give an update about animation/art progress coming along with this edition of KMN.
Just letting you guys a heads up, I'm not really doing well mentally, but I'm not really sure why?
I don't really feel too happy at the moment. I don't want to say depressed, but maybe? Last week I had a friend of mine come up to where I live now to stay a couple of days. Now that he's gone, I kind of feel lonely. I'm not able to go out or anything like that, mainly cause I have no way of transportation. I don't want anyone to feel sorry for me. I'm just trying to explain how I feel.
I'm still busy working on animations, with there being one tomorrow uploaded on Tik Tok and YouTube, I don't think I would be able to upload it here since its going to be in portrait form so I'm sorry.
I was late uploading a comic this past Sunday and missed the deadline, but to make up for it, I'll be uploading a comic tomorrow as well on Tumblr.
I'm still working on the Movie Night video. I've gotten all the character designs worked out, we got some voice lines recorded and I'm currently working on animation for some scenes. Like I said in the last KMN, I don't have a release date for the cartoon right now, but Im hoping for an August release at the very least. I'm still needing to get 2 (or at the very least 1 who can play 2) voices for the cartoon. It's just more hard to do so with no budget, with the current voice actors just being my friends helping me out.
I'm also thinking about wanting to do art work for other people as well. That's something I would like to do on here, or really anywhere so I can make some money and put the money into more art productions, and into college. But I don't think I will be able to right now since I don't think imo I have good portfolio. Maybe I will sign up for something, I don't know yet. I don't know if it's a good idea.
I know I don't really have an audience right now so I really just talk to no one, but either way. I feel bad when I don't release stuff on time and not posting a lot in general. So I'm sorry. Hopefully this month and some of next month before I do leave for college, I can post as much art and animations as I can to make sure everyone is happy!
Thank you for reading this issue of KMN
King Matt